This was Tanner's first trip to the Iowa State Fair and we were so excitied for him. Since he absoultley loves animals we knew he would have a blast just like we all do.
Finally...we have arrived at our desination!!!!

First stop, a yummy, warm cup o'cookies. They are awesome!!
Tan got to meet Clifford too!

Then it was time to move on to the petting zoo. Just look at Tanner's face. He's loving this cow.

Checking out the goats.

Petting every goat he could reach.

Watching the ducks.

Tanner decided he couldn't see enough of the action so he had to turn himself around in the wagon. After all, he didn't want to miss anything.

One day old baby pigs.

Tanner was so exicted to see the baby pigs that he almost jumped right out of my arms.

Of course the fair is famous for all the foods-on-a-stick. Here's Tanner trying out an egg on a stick.

Looks like the fair wore Tanner out. Guess that means he had a great time!!

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