Sunday, November 21, 2010

Big Boy Bed

Daddy converted Tanner's crib into the toddler bed today! He seems to like it so far. We'll see how tonight goes.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

They Call Him the Gambler

Looks like Tanner has the gambling bug. Let's give it a spin! C'mon 7!

Let's Give This a Try

Tanner has been very interested in the potty lately. He'll open the lid, back up, close the lid and flush it. So Mommy thought she would try to sit him on it because you never know what will happen. Well, nothing happened but it was worth a try.

Happy Halloween!!

Ready for the first house. I'll let Mattie handle the first one that way I'll know what to do.Wait Mattie!! You said I could ring the doorbell this time!!
Checking out a neighbors fun decorations.
All the loot! Let's see what I've go here.
Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin Patch

When we went to the pumpkin patch last year Tanner was only 2 months old so this year we knew he would have so much fun and he sure did!

Petting the goats.
Looks like Tanner is too busy picking the perfect pumpkin to look at the camera.
Tanner, Mommy & Mattie
Kids for Sale. Any takers?
Tanner is having so much fun on the pumpkin mound.Looking for the perfect pumpkin.
Hmm..this looks like a good one. Now, if I could only pick it up.
This one Daddy! This is the perfect pumpkin!
Yay for the pumpkin patch! I can't wait to come back next year!