Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mommy's Little Helper

I'm Not Too Sure About These Fountains

Although Sissy loved running through the fountains at Stinson Park in Omaha Tanner was a little more apprehensive.

I'm not sure what those things are so I'm gonna stay back here. Sissy, be my guest!

Ahhh...this is more my style. I'll just splash around in this puddle.

I Love to Swim!

Now that Tanner can walk he's really loving our little pool. He loves to splash & giggle! And despite my camera lens fogging up due to the outrageous heat it's still an adorable picture.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Getting a Little Cake Practice in Before My Big Day

Hmm...what's this?It's gooey & delicious!

Here you have some!

Hey! This is Mighty Tasty

I caught Tanner helping himself to a chocolate covered granola bar today and it looks like he enjoyed it.
The evidence.
Try some. It's delicious!

No More Baths in the Sink

Tanner thought he would "test the water" during last night's bath and see how much he could get away with before getting in trouble. Thus no more baths in the sink for the Tan Man. What a stinker!

Do I Have Something on my Face?

How about on this side? Do ya see anything?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Look Out World!!

Here I come!!


Tanner has decided he loves watermelon but it took a few bites to convince him. Now he loves it!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Climbing, Climbing, Climbing!

Climbing! This is all Tanner does these days. He'll climb on anything and anywhere. He's quite the daredevil!

Bottom drawers. Yep! Gotta climb in them!

Aren't I cute?
Umm....I was just getting out.Sissy's bed is a favorite climbing spot for the Tan Man.
Just look at that devilish grin!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 11 Months Tanner!!

Our little firecracker is 11 months today!! Where is the time going? It's hard to believe that next month we will have a 1 year old!