Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pa's Rocking Chair

Tanner loves sitting in Pa's rocking chair. It's just the perfect size.

Getting a little help from Cuckoo.

I'm ready to rock!

Getting even more help from Sissy!

I Like Tags

For a while now we've been hearing a crinkling sound coming from Tanner's room. Come to find out he's been playing with the tags on his crib bumper. At first we thought he only played with this one tag but then I noticed he had found the tag on Mattie's comforter and was playing with that too. How silly!

Umm...this tag? Was I playing with this tag you ask? Hmm...maybe?I'll just work this bumper down. Ah yes, there's the tags! Who me? I wasn't doing anything!

Watching With Daddy

Tanner and Daddy are in awe of all the fish in the aquarium at the zoo.

Happy & Sad

Tanner looked so adorable in his baseball hat today. But as you can see in the first picture Tanner didn't think so but he warmed up to it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Aunt Rocks!

And so do I, even down to my socks!

Friday, January 22, 2010

I Love Baby Food!

Tanner got to try baby food for the first time the other night. He's been eating cereal for a while but now he also gets to start trying out all the veggies. He loved it and wanted more!

Morning Movies with Matie

I love snuggling with Mattie as she watches her favorite movie.

Lilke My New Hairstyle?'s not actually my new hairstyle. Once again Mommy thought it would be funny to play with my hair during my bath time. Although I still look amazingly handsome I'm not sure if it's me or not.
I'm so thrilled.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Look What I Can Do!!

Tanner is able to sit all by himself now. Just today he started to do it!! He's still a little wobbly but does a great job. Not bad for being only 5 months old!! Yay Tanner!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

5 Months Old!!!

Tanner is 5 months old today and once again we can't believe how fast he's growing up! He's such a "little man" and everyday his little personality shines through even more. We had a hard time picking which picture to post so you're going to get all of them! Happy Birthday Little Man!!!!!