Thursday, November 26, 2009

My 1st Thanksgiving

My 1st Thanksgiving dinner and I can't even eat any of it.

Friday, November 13, 2009


The other day while I was checking my email I had Tanner laying on the floor in the computer room. He had his blanket and toy turtle just laying by him. I just happened to look down and noticed he was playing peek-a-boo with me. How cute is that?

Just lay real still and Mommy won't see me.
Aww shucks!! She found me!!!!

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Tanner helped to celebrate Mommy's birthday last weekend. We all had a lot of fun but it sure wears a little guy out.

Family picture in our silly hats.

Having a great time celebrating with Mommy!! Who knew birthdays were so fun?
This birthday business sure wears me out; I need a nap. Happy Birthday Mommy!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

This was Tanner's first Halloween and besides going trick-or-treating at the library with Mattie he even got to go house-to-house on Halloween night.

Tanner the PirateArg! What would a pirate be without his trusty parrot?
Mommy thought it would be fun to also put clown hair on poor Tanner. He, of course, didn't think it was too much fun.
Getting ready to go trick-or-treating.Happy Halloween!!!!