Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dreaming of Halloween

Giddy Up

Tanner took his first ride on Daddy's shoulders today. It was a very short one since he's not quite big enough but he seemed to have fun looking all around.

Partners in Crime

Looks like these two are the perfect partners in crime. They both seem to have a guilty look on their face don't you think?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tanner's Visit to the ENT Specialist

Today was Tanner's appointment with an ear, nose and throat specialist at Boys Town. Our pediatrician referred us to the specialist to find out why Tanner's breathing is sometimes noisy.

Waiting for the doctor.
In case you've never heard Tanner make his noises here's a video I took.

The specialist had to insert a small tube with a camera attached to it down Tanner's nose. Poor Tanner!! He screamed and kicked. It was so heart-breaking but the doctor was able to come up with a diagnosis. Tanner has Laryngomalacia which is a big word that just means floppy tissue and soft cartilage around his voice box/larynx. This is a common condition in babies and it's not harmful and he will outgrow it. We're so relieved it's nothing serious!!!

Man's Best Friend

Tanner loves to snuggle with his new puppy.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tanner's First Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Today Tanner got to go to Vala's Pumpkin Patch. It was his very first time and he did great!! We can't wait to take him back next year!

Taking it all in.

Family picture in front of the sweet shop.

Posing with Mommy in front of the flowers.

Having fun with Daddy! Happy Halloween Pardner!! Mattie was showing Tanner the huge pumpkins.ARG!!! Pirates Tanner and Mattie. Soaking up the sun while on the hay rack ride.
We've arrived at the pumpkin patch.
Good-bye pumpkin patch! See ya next year!!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tanner's First Snow

Tanner got to experience snow for the first time today. It's hard to tell if he liked it because he only stayed out for a few seconds but I'm sure he'll have a lot more chances to play in the snow once he gets a little older.

Mattie & Daddy are explaining to Tanner that this is snow. Posing with Mommy. A snow cutie. Tanner says, "I'm secure enough with my manhood to wear a pink coat." (plus it's the only coat we had that would fit him)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2 Month Check-up

Tanner had his 2 month check-up and here are his stats:

Weight: 13lbs. 12oz (95%)
Height: 24 inches (80%)
Head circumference: 38cm (20%)

The doctor said he is doing great. We do have an appointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to find out why Tanner's breathing is sometimes noisy. But other than that he's perfect!!!!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

2 Months Old!!!

Mommy couldn't decide which picture to post so she picked both!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

In the Starting Line-Up....Tanner Gilsdorf!!!!!

Tanner Gilsdorf-Linebacker (complete with pacifier mouth piece)
A little "good luck" hug from his favorite cheerleader.
Tuck that football & run!!!

All Bundled Up

Since it was so cold yesterday we had to break out the winter cover for the car seat. Hopefully this isn't a sign that winter is here to stay.

Nice and warm.

Mommy...are you about done taking pictures because I sure am.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Hockey Night!!!

Tonight was Tanner's first taste of St. Louis Blues hockey!!! We can't wait to take him to his first games!!

We're all ready for the game. Let's Go Blues!!!!!!

Even though I'm a little sad Mommy loves this picture. She says I look like a goalie. A short video of Tanner cheering on the Blues who just happened to beat the Red Wings 4-3!!!

Sweet Feet

Mommy says I have some of the sweetest feet she's ever seen. Well, next to Mattie that is. She is so obsessed with them she can't stop taking pictures of them. Oh Mommy!!!

Dramatic black and white feet.Just my toes!
Bath time feet!!!

Wiggle Worm

Tanner like his sister is constantly wiggling around his crib when he sleeps. You just never know where you'll find him.

I'm on a Roll

Even though this isn't the greatest picture considering I cut a majority of it off I was trying my hardest to capture Tanner trying to roll over. still get the idea.